B. Configure project

Git Link

  1. Git Project
  2. Spring Batch on GIT

1. Configure the pom.xml (Project Object Model)

    • Import spring parent
    • Spring dependency
    • H2 DB memory dependency
    • Liquibase dependency

2. Properties file

  • Create directory C:/dev_tutorial on windows or /home/dev_tutorial on Linux
  • Config home directory (on application-default.properties file) :
    • Add : home.directory=c:/dev_tutorial
  • Config data source (on application-default.properties file) :
    • spring.challenge.datasource.jdbc-url=jdbc:h2:file:${home.directory}/db/springLiquiBaseTutorial;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE
    • spring.challenge.datasource.username=sa
    • spring.challenge.datasource.password=sa

3. Configuration class (application and datasource)

Create a java class to configure the application, to run the batch and import the properties file on it.
After that create a class to configure the datasaource access wich use the Spring Data JPA.

At this point the project shoul'd be UP and the build on maven shoul'd be success.

4. Run the project on Eclipse
